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Year/Ser/Col Num, SKUNameWheelVariationRarity
1969 Mainline
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Antifreeze, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Aqua, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Blue, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Brown, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Copper, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Gold, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Green, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Light Blue, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Light Green, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Lime, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Magenta, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Olive, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Orange, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Hot Pink, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Purple, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Red, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Rose, made in US
1969#0#0#6250Classic '32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Yellow, made in US
Vintage Series
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Purple
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Lime
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Pink
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Gold
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Brown
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Dark Red
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Olive
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Light Green
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Orange
Vintage Set
1994#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Magenta
FAO Gold Series II
1995#0#0'32 Ford VickyGRLBWGold with tampos, 4000 produced
FAO History of Hot Wheels
1995#0#0'32 Ford VickyRLBWYellow with black roof, 7000 produced
FAO Schwarz 24K Gold Classics
1996#0#0'32 Ford VickyGRLBWGold plated
Real Rods
1996#0#0'32 Ford Vicky5SPurple with tampos, 7000 produced
100th Anniversary of the Automobile
1996#0#0Classic '32 Ford Vicky2P6SAqua with white roof, made in China
Early Times
1997#0#0'32 Ford Vicky2P6SWhite with flames on sides, 97 on roof, 10000 produced
Inside Track
1997#0#0'32 Ford Vicky5SBlack with the Inside Track on sides
30th Anniversary Series
1998#0#0#18858'32 Ford VickyRLBWMetallic Red with tampos
Cop Rods
1999#0#0#23444'32 Ford VickyWlRRWhite and black with Syracuse Police tampos
Gas Station
1999#0#0'32 Ford Vicky5sYellow without tampos
Avon Vintage Hot Rods
2000#0#0#27797'32 Ford VickyGMSRed with scallops and Ford Vicky on sides, white roof
2001 Convention
2001#0#0#53961'32 Ford VickyRLRRBlack and orange with tampos, made in Thailand, 4000 produced
2001#0#125#50655'32 Ford VickyPR5Black with tampos6
2001#0#125#50655'32 Ford Vicky5SBlack with tampos9
Red Lines Series
2002#2#104#54382'32 Ford VickyRL5SPurple with tampos6
Tat Rods Series
2004#2#119#B3840'32 Ford Vicky5SGreen with tampos, metal base*
2004#2#119#B3840'32 Ford Vicky5SGreen with tampos, painted silver base*
2004#2#119#B3840'32 Ford Vicky3SGreen with tampos, metal base*
2004#2#119#B3840'32 Ford Vicky3SGreen with tampos, painted silver base*
Open Stock
2005#0#145#H9053'32 Ford Vicky10SpGray with tampos*
Highway Horror Series
2006#2#92#J3418'32 Ford VickyPR5Black with tampos*
Rebel Rides
2009#2#138#P2458'32 Ford VickyR5SGunmetal with tampos, metal base
2009#2#138#P2458'32 Ford VickyR5SGunmetal with tampos, plastic base
2009#2#138#P2458'32 Ford VickyR10SpGunmetal with tampos, plastic base
2009#2#138#P2458'32 Ford Vicky10SpCopper with tampos
HWC Series 10 Neo-Classics
2011#3#0#V0480'32 Ford VickyRLSpectraflame Red with tampos, made in China, 4000 produced
2014#0#0#BDL01'32 Ford VickyY5SAqua with flames on sides, Easter 2014 on roof
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